Speech and sounds

Co-pilot and Betty sounds for US side

Models and textures

CIS helicopters skins

Models and textures


Speech and sounds

Russian speech (CIS side)

Models and textures

UI wallpapers

Custom wallpapers for main menu screen.

Utils and modding tools

allMods installer

allMods installer (Installer) is a Windows application, that can be used as Enemy Engaged: Comanche vs Hokum (EECH) game launcher and mods installer.

Why it may be useful

Installer provides several useful features for the players:

  • possible to add up to three different EECH versions and start each of them in one click
  • display list of available mods with statuses – compatible with current EECH version or not, update available for installed mod, incompatible mods selected for installation
  • detailed description and images available right in the Installer window (no videos or comments yet)
  • multilingual interface in plans; obviously not all content (like mods descriptions) will be translated, but at least here will be no language barriers for Installer and Website UI, manuals
  • test updates appear only if related option selected in settings
  • continuous installation process – Installer will get and unpack files of selected mods automatically, in proper order respecting dependencies
  • EXE and GWUT files can be selected before game launch
  • Quick access buttons for Installer data folder, selected game folder, EECH.INI
  • Installer executable self-update
  • news feed

Why it may be helpful for mod authors:

  • easy to sign up, no pre-moderation
  • possible to store all versions of same mod in one place
  • tools for custom page design
  • reliable images and files storage
  • you’ll be able to release mods in your local language
  • question-answer form
  • possible to notify players about new mod, release, version relisting
  • possible to release add-on for previous version of same mod, or for completely different mod
  • flexible engine that easy to adjust on request

Technical requirements

For installation process Internet connection is required, also .NET4.6.0 has to be installed in operating system, but usually it’s already available in modern Windows systems.

You have to give Administrator permissions to this program because:

  • It manipulates with files (download archive on your disc, unpack it into selected directory, store *.INI configs files in game directory and \Users\[CURRENT USER]\AppData\Roaming\EECH allMods\, change content of EECH.INI file)
  • It changes register value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Wow6432Node \ Razorworks \ Comanche Hokum \ INSTALLATION PATH

Program developed by EECH Dev team, still EXE file checking for malicious scripts by Google Drive service continuously.

Settings page

Up to 3 different EECH installations can be configured, each of them has separate list of installed mods and predefined EXE/GWUT files values.

Each game has two configurable fields:

  • Custom title, you can change it anytime
  • Version number, normally generated automatically. EECH version 1.11.0 (GOG) and prior (CD) appear as Original. Be careful with  changing this option – with wrong value, version compatibility system will not work correctly.

And below three configurable global options:

  • Enabled Skip this page on next load means that Updates page will be loaded by default on next program launch. You still can access Settings page by clicking on relative menu item.
  • With enabled Allow test updates option, mods that not released yet will be available for installation. Be sure that you know game well enough to participate in testing.
  • With Store archives on local drive enabled program will not remove downloaded archives from your local drive after installation is completed. In this case you can re-install previously downloaded package quickly, but only if it was not updated since last time. It may be helpful if you are experimenting with mods often and making testing environment for that.
  • Folder icon next to last checkbox will open  [USER]\AppData\Roaming\EECH allMods folder where installer config file and downloaded archives are stored.

Updates page

In left section all available mods will be listed, including updates for Installer and packages. You can see status icons next to the name:

Already installed

Update available

Not compatible with current EECH version

Conflict with another installed or selected mod; dependency not met

On far right to the title you can see lock icons:

This mod not compatible with current version or already installed. But if you click on the icon, it will become available. This way you can re-install some mod, or ignore versions conflict.

This mod available for installation. But if you have it installed (manually or by allMods package before installer usage), you can click on the icon and this mod will become checked and unavailable. For example, if you are starting installer for the first time and have EECH 1.16.0 version already installed, you need to click on this icon next to allMods package 1.16.0 to make version control system work properly.

You can click on mod title and it’s detailed description will appear in right section. If title in slightly gray color – it has no additional information.

After you have finished with selecting mods, press Update button and check information that appear in right section. If you see some warnings – try to disable mods, that has conflicts, or add required mods in case of missing dependency. You can ignore such warnings if you are sure that it will work on your set up. After Confirm button press installation will be started. Each selected mod will be downloaded and unpacked one by one, after installation finish – list of available mods will be refreshed with new statuses.

News page

The Latest posts are listed here, same as on News page of the website.

Models and textures

US Army and JSDF skins

Speech and sounds

US Brevity Speech Pack

Here’s a little audio mod that I made…

Personally I find that the AI units are way too talkative when speaking on the radio.

This mod will change things like this:
“Goliath, 1, 1, this is Air Traffic Control. You are cleared for takeoff. Surface Wind at 20 knots”
“Goliath, 1, 1, Air Traffic Control. Cleared for takeoff. Wind at 20 knots”

“This is Ground Control, we have incoming enemy ground units at grid 024, 031”
“Ground Control, incoming enemy ground units, grid 024, 031”

I think I also sped up some of the number reading.

Probably not realistic, but just for fun I changed:
“missle away” to “rifle”.
“target hit” to “shack”.

Models and textures

UK/US pilots camo skins

Camo for pilots, US woodland and UK multicam

Models and textures

Water textures (1.15.2)

Hi All!

I tried to create a new water. I modded two .dds files. ( and
These two files must be in the water surface. I created two new.